Sunday, March 21, 2010

“Don’t Make Yourself at Home”

Film: You, Me and Dupree
Cast: Owen Wilson, Matt Dillon, Kate Hudson
Director: Anthony and Joe Russo

We are the most hospitable nation on the planet, or so we like to think. But how long can our hospitality stretch? What if an uninvited guest comes to stay and doesn’t leave? How much can we adjust, even for our best friend?

Carl (Dillon) and Molly (Hudson) have just finished saying their wedding vows when Carl’s best friend Dupree (Wilson) gets kicked out of his job, house and car. They have to take him in and the marriage is off on the wrong note. Sure Dupree has a heart of gold, but he is also a bit too much, to say too little. "Make yourself at home" turn out to be the biggest mistake Carl ever said.

You, Me and Dupree has only a few flaws. In fact, I could find out only four: Ridiculous storyline, unimaginative screenplay, shoddy editing, non-existent direction. Owen Wilson has never been accused of being anything but over the top. He doesn’t disgrace his billing. Matt Dillon is there only for the money, and it shows. What Michael Douglas is doing in such a role is anyone’s guess. The only bright spot is the radiant Kate Hudson. Unfortunately she continues on her long list of bad career choices.

You, Me and Dupree is an acquaintance you neither want to visit nor invite unless you are desperate. Trust me, no one will find you inhospitable if you stay away.

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