Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Rank - 3/23 || Guardians of the Galaxy

Cast: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Michael Rooker, Lee Pace, Karen Gillian
Director: James Gunn

Guardians of the Galaxy is a miracle. What would you say about a popular film that stars a normal Han Solo/Captain Kirk dude, with a green almost-human, a giant with 3D tattoos all over his body, a talking racoon and a tree that just says “I am Groot”? That it shouldn’t exist? I totally agree. It shouldn’t. Yet it does. Miracles happen. And, boy, are we lucky!

Peter Quill (Pratt), as a young boy, was kidnapped by the Ravagers, space pirates who prowl the universe. Calling himself by the code-name/outlaw name Star Lord, he has become an expert thief. But something he steals lands him in bigger trouble than before. After a skirmish on the planet Xandar, he ends up in prison with Gamora (Saldana), daughter of Thanos, Drax the Destroyer (Bautista), a warrior whose family was murdered, Rocket (Cooper) a genetically-engineered fighting machine – sort of Wolverine with brains and looking like a raccoon – and Groot (Diesel), a tree-like being, whose language only Rocket can understand.

They spectacularly break out of prison and go on an inter-galactic run trying to sell the orb Quill found. Chasing them is Ronan (Pace) a violent rebel in the Kree race, Gamora’s sister Nebula (Gillian), Peter’s adoptive father Yondu (Rooker) and even a certain Thanos (Josh Brolin). How do they stay alive?

Chris Pratt wise-cracks himself into leading man status. He has ample comedic chops and revels in self-deprecating humour. He becomes the leader by letting everyone else play the leading role. Let’s just declare Zoe Saldana as the hottest woman on earth. She has gone blue for Avatar and green here and is still smoking. I enjoyed Dave Bautista in the WWE, but thought Marvel was stupid to choose him over Jason Momoa. I am so glad I was proven wrong. Bautista shows pitch-perfect comedic timing and uses his bulk to hilarious effect. Bradley Cooper gets to do a Ryan Reynolds and he enjoys himself. Vin Diesel apparently is the best actor in the group with his vocal prowess. He incants “I am Groot” differently each time. I don’t think I am a cineaste good enough to identify them!

Despite growing up in the 80s, I was hardly into music. The much-lauded soundtrack of this film is 80s gold (or so they say). It is foot-tapping music and one gets into the music without even listening to the lyrics. But the music is not just for effect, it plays a huge role in who Quill is. Yet, nostalgia alone can’t get you success in the box office.

The colours are bright and jokes fresh.  The tone of the movie is James Gunn’s biggest success. It is such a tightrope walk, yet he aces it. There are a few missteps, like the “green whore” bit, but overall, the movie is a delight. It unapologetically dials the fun factor to eleven and stays there. That way, it is probably Marvel’s purest film. An outlier that forms a part of the larger sum without ever seeming so.

This was the single biggest risk Marvel took. And this was the movie that really set them on the course to world domination. They were King Midas. Everything would turn to gold. Not everything did, but Guardians of the Galaxy ensured people would turn up to see if they did.

Stan Lee cameo: This is how not to do an unforgettable cameo. Lee putting on the moves on a Xandarian is definitely not a sight for adoring eyes.

Post-credits scene: Another misstep. When most of your money is coming from oversees, don’t insult them with a meaningless Howard the Duck bit.

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