Recently, ranking entered pop culture in the form of lists. People ranked whatever they could. The internet made it very easy to share these rankings. I am interested in lists because it is completely personal. It is an individual’s like or dislike. There is no requirement that it should be the same as someone else’s list. I am entering the list-making world.
I am going to rank all the movies that constitute what is called the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phases One through Three. From 2008’s Iron Man to 2019’s Spiderman: Far from Home. These movies started as comic book adaptations that would be watched only by a bunch of geeks and steadily moved into mainstream. So much so that the highest-grossing movie on the planet (not accounting for inflation) is Avengers: Endgame. Because of that reason, I know this will not be a nerd’s exercise. Starting on August 15, I will list out one movie a day, worst to best, along with what I felt about the movie. Ironic, that on Independence Day I declare my dependence on these movies.
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