Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Marvel Movies: A Personal List

Ubuntu. The Zulu term that stands for Us before Me. Usually interpreted as ‘I am because We are’. Basically, a call for humanity above all else. The optimist in me wants to believe that Ubuntu existed once upon a time. The realist in me accepts that it only exists as an open source operating system. We, as a people, are obsessed with ranking. It is all about winning and not about taking part. 

Recently, ranking entered pop culture in the form of lists. People ranked whatever they could. The internet made it very easy to share these rankings. I am interested in lists because it is completely personal. It is an individual’s like or dislike. There is no requirement that it should be the same as someone else’s list. I am entering the list-making world. 

I am going to rank all the movies that constitute what is called the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phases One through Three. From 2008’s Iron Man to 2019’s Spiderman: Far from Home. These movies started as comic book adaptations that would be watched only by a bunch of geeks and steadily moved into mainstream. So much so that the highest-grossing movie on the planet (not accounting for inflation) is Avengers: Endgame. Because of that reason, I know this will not be a nerd’s exercise. Starting on August 15, I will list out one movie a day, worst to best, along with what I felt about the movie. Ironic, that on Independence Day I declare my dependence on these movies.  

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