Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Blog Begins!

“A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it.” - Alfred Hitchcock

This was not supposed to be the name of the blog. But "The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World" was already taken. And the person I asked for help in creating a blog wanted to assert her independence. And I hate wasting stuff. So, Mr. Hitchcock, you'll have to do.

Why am I having a blog. In one word - Backup.

In a different life, I used to write. Movie reviews mainly. And other articles connected with films. And a few other random stuff. The newspaper I used to write folded up/morphed into something else. The online website was no more. And all I had left of my writings were some old newspapers, and a few soft copies. I realise this is another place to save stuff.

And hence I start this blog.

Sorry if you were expecting loftier reasons.

Most of the people who write want someone to read their pieces. So do I. And that is the reason you know about this blog. If what I have written is a subject that interests you and you have the time to read it, please let me know what you think.

"Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world." - Jean-Luc Godard

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